Gum Disease: The Silent Threat to Your Teeth.

Gum diseases are known to everyone. The majority of people care for their dental health carelessly. Merely brushing and flossing your teeth is not oral health. It comprises your general oral health, which covers tongue cleansing, foul breath, and gum health. Ignorance of these elements may be opening the door to other oral health issues. Let us explore every sign of gum disease and how to treat it early on.

What Is A Gum Disease?

An infection of the tissues supporting and encircling teeth is known as gum disease. Usually, it starts with plaque, a bacterial sticky film, building up. Tartar can develop from improper brushing removal of plaque. In the end, it gathers many more germs and can only be taken out by a dentist.

Possible reasons for your Gum Disease:

  1. Plaque deposition is usually the only answer to gum disease. If you skip oral hygiene on weekdays or at night, you could have gum disease.
  2. Now, smoking and chewing tobacco is one of the second most common factors. Tobacco impacts your immune system. Moreover, your body and gums find it more difficult to fight against infections.
  3. The body finds it more difficult to fend off infections, particularly those of the gums when tobacco use weakens the immune system.
  4. Genetics: Those with a family history of gum disease are more likely to get the illness even with adequate dental hygiene practices.
  5. Hormonal Variations: Gum disease is also more likely to strike your gums since they are more prone to inflammation and infection.
  6. Poor Nutrition: High sugar and processed foods can encourage oral bacterial growth, which eventually leads to gum disease. Any vitamin shortage further compromises the capacity of weak gum tissues to fend against infection.

Gum Disease Signs and Symptoms

Gum disease often manifests as:

  • Sore and swollen gums
  • Bleeding while brushing
  • Foul breath
  • Gum recession leaving the roots
  • Dentures that are loose or moving
  • Adjustments to partial denture fit

Address Your Gum Disease Today!

Gum disease can have major negative effects on one’s oral and general health. Tooth loss and the necessity for protracted dental care can occur from gum disease is progressing damage to the tissues and bone that support the teeth.

To keep healthy gums, one must be aware of the reasons and signs of gum disease. By seeing your dentist right away if you suspect you have gum disease or if you have symptoms like bleeding gums or chronic bad breath, you can lower your chance of this ailment and save your teeth for later in life.